
Saison 1 Épisode 3

Note de l'éditeur3 étoiles

Photo : Lucasfilm Ltd./Lucasfilm Ltd.

Guerres des étoiles

AutreGuerres des étoilesun

Following that same logic, let's jump back to 100 years earlier. (DansGuerres des étoilesL'Acolyte

Guerres des étoilesfandom about this reinterpretation of the Force as an act of collective will, rather than as something an individual can master and wield. And to these folks I would say: What if the Witches are wrong? Et sipersonnedans leGuerres des étoiles

n'importe lequel


L'Acolyteune mauvaise habitude

Origin stories like these can be tough to pull off, though, especially when they involve mystical mojo and children (and, by extension, child actors, who often struggle with gravitas). DemanderPerduPerdu.




ColombetAprès cela. (He has also directed some episodes ofPachinko, a show he co-produces.) Kogonada's visual style tends toward the clean and geometrical, which comes across here mainly in the ways he frames Brendok as a place of beauty and mystery, where the fortress's imposing mountain walls tower above willowy trees and misty champs.

Guerres des étoilesexpert. I've seen all the live-action movies and TV series, and have read some of the comics; but I have to rely a lot onWookiepédiaLa menace fantôme

Menace fantôme. I know that deep in theGuerres des étoilesL'Acolyte
