The Marvel Universe — made up of multiple galaxies, among them Disney's Marvel Cinematic Universe (including the Avengers, et al, and the Netflix heroes) and Fox's Marvel properties (the X-Men family of characters, the Fantastic Four) — represents the most powerful entertainment entity in history, apart from maybe the Roman Empire's gladiator franchise. Mais chaque fois que des critiques prétentieuses commemoiMarvel Jessica JonesDead Pool
Dead Pool, to flatter the audience for being hip enough to get all of those in-jokes. Et jeétait
. I hadn't been familiar with him before this, but superhero-comic non-readers have come to realize that Marvel has a hell of a lot of characters, and I imagine we'll get to know every last one of them in the coming décennie. DansDead PoolLanterne verte. Those screenwriters are way ahead of them, deliveringLanternepropre
D'une certaine manière,Dead PoolRouteDead Pool
Dead Pool. One reason it snared me was that its hero is, when you come down to it, a snotty film critic — albeit with less flab than the real thing. The movie is reminiscent of the web seriesBandes-annonces honnêtes