Saison 24 Épisode 6
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Photo de : VH1
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Back at the house, Rio's Best Photo win is emblazoned on the living room monitor, reminding us that Rio is absolutely stunning. She goes on to gloat about defeating “the pretty girl” Sandra, reminding us that Rio is also absolutely ridiculous. Is this the part where we have to reassure a model that she is “pretty”? Passer. Emboldened, Rio lets front-runner Khrystyana know that she is right behind her in this race.
Là. Est. Plus. À. Toi. Que. Ce.
La course de dragsters de RuPaulcomplètementCourse de dragsters. Like, she didpasspeak like this on her season. Master Manipulator. Mal. Reine. We NEED her for. Pouah. We love her, she's awful, she's GORGEOUS!
dernier épisode? Can they come back? Erin looks good, but is somehow outshined by Manila. Couldn't they have amped up the makeup on the girls because they were gonna be next to drag queens? If they're supposed to compete for the camera, then every single one of them is “losing” these shoots. Jeana looks like Sasha Velour next to Valentina, but isn't as gorgeous as Sasha Velour, so can we call it a wash. Christina does well and Brendi looks exactly like Jessie J. and we won't be getting over this any time soon.
Idole américaine
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